Wonderfully Free Ministries

Christian Inner Healing, being ‘Wonderfully Free’ and how using Bethel Sozo helps!


Very few people live lives unchallenged by what's happened to them in the past. Very few are able to walk unhindered into everything that God wants them to have and enjoy, fully confident in who they are and whose they are.
Our purpose is to change that.

What we offer

We believe our primary purpose is to help people understand God's purpose and call on their lives and to equip and empower them to fulfil that purpose.
We offer several ways to help achieve this including Coaching for Purpose, Bethel Sozo, Marriage Preparation and Couple's Ministry.


A selection of books, manuals and guides that we've written, co-authored or edited with audio teachings and other exciting goodies being added regularly!

What’s in a name?

‘Wonderfully Free’ was originally just the title of Darrell’s post-Sozo book, but actually, freedom is what we’re all about, not just getting free from past hurts, judgements, trauma, lies and wounds but becoming “wonderfully free”, living a whole-hearted life filled with the pure joy of freedom, free to be the people God created us to be, and free to do what He created us to do. That’s what inner healing is, it’s a release from the past, a release into the future, to become and be everything you were made to be.

These words, “wonderfully free” are taken from Galatians 5 in the Bible, which talks about “refusing to go back”.

“Let me be clear, the Anointed One has set us free – not partially, but completely and wonderfully free! We must always cherish this truth and stubbornly refuse to go back to the bondage of our past.”

…and that’s our heart’s desire for people, that they’re set free to enjoy the freedom they’ve been looking for and won!

Bethel Sozo, Sozo for Couples, Financial Sozo, Starting Out Marriage Preparation Courses, Coaching for Purpose and Whole-hearted Life ministry sessions.

These are all a means to an end. Each helps us to connect with God and to grow in our understanding of His intention for us. Each one will help you to find freedom.

How can we help you?

You'll find most of what we do underneath the Ministries tab on the menu bar, but do contact us if you have something on your mind you'd like to explore.

Note! All sessions can be either by Zoom or in person at our home in Warminster.

To find out more about Bethel Sozo read here.

Whole-hearted Christian Life Ministry

We believe that our hearts are where our emotions and feelings live and develop. It's not for nothing that the Bible mentions 'hearts' over 800 times because our hearts are vital, and not just for pumping blood, everything about the way we look at and respond to life comes from our hearts. And our hearts can be broken, with bits of it stuck in traumatic memories in the past. Whole-hearted Life Ministry works to overcome all of life's hardships to achieve true whole-heartedness, an internal peace based on authenticity...truly knowing and being the person God intended. Secure in who you are and whose. We'll be creating a new website for Whole-hearted Life Ministry, but for the time being, if you have questions, contact answers@wonderfullyfree.org

Feedback for Bethel Sozo

  “I have been living in an experience of freedom such as I can never recall experiencing before – it is quite astonishing. Also, prior to the Sozo, when reading the bible, I would need to battle through up to forty minutes of heavy, sore eyes and overwhelming tiredness before it became easy. Now reading the scriptures are a joy and a delight from the first moment!”

  “It was a journey into deeper revelation of God’s love for me. A glimpse into His heart for me.  I was amazed at the gentleness and safe atmosphere of the session. I already love the Lord, but to give Him express permission to reveal and replace lies with His truth is deep and exciting for me. The night after my Sozo I had a nightmare relating to my childhood trauma, I awoke and applied the truths from my Sozo and went back into a deep sound sleep and have had no reoccurrences since! Praise God! I am still amazed by the sensitivity and gentleness and wonderful appropriate prayers.  I was so grateful to have words of truth written and handed to me at the end.

-- Contact answers@wonderfullyfree.org for details